Shake it out.

How to get over somebody whom you’ve liked for some time and who told you all the things you wanted to hear?

This is a blog post of me pouring my heart-break out. Live.

There used to be a guy I was interested in and we used to talk everyday. Every single day. I was confused for a moment but then realised how much I actually liked him. I couldn’t have a day without talking to him. We would chat about casual everyday-life things, but also more personal things that I wouldn’t share with anyone else.

We stayed up one night until about three in the morning and it was an absolute mess! These conversations are never good. I couldn’t remember everything I had said that night. But I remember telling him that I liked him.

We kind of put that night aside for some time and kept on with our lives. We were still talking to each other. We just never mentioned that peculiar Skype call again.

It got to the point where our relationship was sooo confusing, all my friends thought we were actually already dating. I wanted to, too. The thing is, I got caught in my feelings towards him. Sure, he’s partly responsible for it. He led me on! But it’s too easy to blame it on others. It was intense.

I can move on now. Safe to say I’m not scared of getting into relationships now. But he was my first love and always will be. I can’t hold on to him anymore. There’s nothing left between us anymore. We don’t even talk anymore.

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